Beiträge von chrget

    Zitat von Inge_und_Harald

    ...ausser man(n) kann mit dem Auto bis in die Berghütte fahren. :D

    Hmmm, in dem Fall würden wir uns gerne anschließen, falls noch platz im Auto ist. :happy:

    Den Picknick-Korb hab' ich schon gepackt :D

    Chris (der auch gerne Erdinger trinkt, aber lieber das dunkle).

    Zitat von Inge_und_Harald

    Um mehr Licht ins Dunkel zu bringen

    Irgendwie fühle ich mich trotzdem noch nicht so recht erleuchtet. Vielleicht sollte ich mal die Taschenlampe holen und den Bildschirm anleuchten? :confused:


    Huch, die Postings sind ja limitiert! Na ja, geht es eben hier weiter ...

    ------ Hier mit einem scharfen Messer abschneiden ------
    He walked up to close to her, his eyes shining bright, admiring her, drinking in the view that she presented to him. He ran his hands over her hardened exterior and whispered into her ear.

    "You look so beautiful, love. Don't you agree? And what a delicious pose you've chosen to present yourself to me! You are so adorable."

    Again, she blushed.

    "I couldn't help but look at myself in the mirror," she answered. "You were right, I can be beautiful and sexy," she added in a soft whisper. "But whatever did you do to me?" she demanded to know.

    A soft chuckle was his answer.

    "It's magic, my beautiful one."

    With those words he gave her a deep, passionate kiss and, just like it happened only in fairy tales, she was unfrozen from her petrified state. Suddenly she felt a little drowsy, but nevertheless embraced him tightly with her newly-found freedom. Looking at her hands over his shoulders, she noticed that the material covering her skin had thinned considerably.

    Again, she asked him what it was that was covering her, and again he chuckled.

    "It is a latex catsuit, love. I bought it especially for you, as a surprise for our anniversary. I must say you look most delicious in it." Again, he kissed her.

    "But ... but how did you ... the bath? How?" she stammered, shaking a little. "And how could it suddenly go all hard like that?"

    His smile calmed her, but only a little.

    "Very simple. It didn't. It was all in your mind. Hypnosis, to be exact. I planted all of these suggestions in last week's relaxation session that we did. I told you that you would put on the suit before you took the bath without you noticing until you were in the tub. And I put in some extras as well, especially making these --" he pointed out the zippers in her garment "invisible as well as increasing the thickness considerably to make the hardness more believable."

    She poked him in mock anger.

    "You're such a meanie! Doing all that to poor little unsuspecting me!"

    "Well, you did agree to do a scene involving hypnosis, remember? And as far as I can remember, you wanted one of these." He pointed out her rubber suit. "And last but not least, you did enjoy it, right?"

    Bobby nodded, then smiled and squeezed him tight, showering him with little kisses while she did so.

    "Happy anniversary." Charly whispered to her. "And there is much more and better things to come." he added with a smile.

    And while they moved onto the bed and he opened the zipper above her wet pussy, both of them thought that this was certainly a night to be remembered ...
    ------ Hier mit einem scharfen Messer abschneiden ------



    beim Durchforsten alter Sicherungen bin ich nochmal auf was gestoßen, was vielleicht für den Einen oder die Andere von Reiz sein könnte ...

    ------ Hier mit einem scharfen Messer abschneiden ------
    The Bath

    It had been a long day at the office for Bobby -- one long meeting after the other, organizing things for the the big event that was coming up in a couple of weeks.

    When she finally got back home to her apartment, there was only one thought on her mind: a long, relaxing bath to wash away the troubles of the day. So the first thing she did when she got there was to go to the bathroom to fill the tub, adding some of the wonderfully scented oil she had gotten as a sample from her boyfriend just a couple of weeks before.

    While the water was slowly filling the tub, she went to her bedroom to undress quickly, in happy anticipation of the relaxing experience that she was about to have. She loved taking bubble baths. Whenever she found the time she preferred them over the quick and hectic showers that were part of her everyday routine.

    Back in her bath, she lavished in the sweet scents of the water, a scent so rich and heavy it almost took her breath. She quickly checked the temperature of the water, mixing in hot and cold until it was just right. Then she turned off the faucet and slowly stepped into the tub, lowering herself into the thick creamy foam floating on top of the water.

    In the tub, she let the warm water flow all over her tired body, coating her, engulfing her up to her neck, and let it do its magic on her tired muscles. Yes, this was what she needed, she thought to herself. And she felt her body soften against the warm caress of the water, every last bit of tenseness leaving her and being replaced by a gentle buzz of happiness.

    In her almost dreamlike state, she suddenly noticed how the smell in the bath drastically changed. What was this smell? It smelled like ... solvent? No, not quite -- it seemed like a familiar smell, but she couldn't quite place it. Plastic? Close. Rubber! Yes, that was it. Well, almost. It was a mixture of all these smells that jolted her senses back to full awareness.

    She looked around nervously, trying to localize the source of the smell, but to no avail. Nothing within her sight could possibly produce this sensation, with the possible exception of ... her bathwater! She raised a handful of it towards her nose to smell it, but when her hand left the water, she flinched when she saw it -- it was coated in a thick shiny red layer of something that looked very synthetic ... like plastic.

    She stared at her hand in fascination. What was this? Where did it come from? Her thoughts raced as she idly watched herself flex her fingers. Whatever it was, it certainly clung to her skin, coated her perfectly, molded itself completely to every little nook and cranny her body had to offer. At that point, she panicked. She almost jumped out of the tub, looking at her body in a mixture of terror and amazement.

    She was covered in the strange material from her neck down, wherever the water had touched her. And it was not just a thin layer, either. It had an even thickness all over, at least 1/8th of an inch.

    Fear coursed through her body in yet another wave. "What is happening to me?", she wondered. Grabbing a towel she frantically tried to rub off her newly acquired skin once again -- yet it did not give in. With her it would stay, or so it seemed.

    * * *

    Standing in the middle of the bathroom, she tried to calm down. Obviously she was stuck with her newly acquired garment, so she decided to accept her fate for the time being in order to get a grip on the new situation. She wondered what to do next.

    What amazed her most was the fact that once her initial fear had subsided, she felt not at all uncomfortable with her skin completely covered like this. As a matter of fact it gave her a feeling of safety amd warmth, as if she was being held closely by someone. Added to that was just a hint of helplessness -- all in all a mixture of feelings that also got her quite excited.

    She slowly started walking around her apartment, still amazed at how the bright red material stretched exactly with her every move as if to show her that no matter which way she tried to twist, it would not let her go. Finally her curiousity got the best of her, and she went back to her bedroom to take a look at herself in the full-size mirror.

    She stared in amazement at what she knew was her reflection, but it looked just too outworldly to register that this was her. Nevertheless she liked what she saw. This was even better then those spandex leggings she so much liked to wear -- every contour of her body seemed to be outlined more clearly even though she was completely covered. Studying herself in the mirror, a wave of lust washed over her. Her gloved fingers wandered off in search of her pussy.

    Realizing that she was actually turned on by looking at her own reflection, she stopped. Never before had she felt so desirable, so sexy as she did right then. It dawned on her that all of this had to be Charly's doing. After all, he was the one who had given her this
    strange bath-oil in the first place.

    One of her big hangups was that she didn't like her body all that much, even though he continuously reassured her how beautiful and erotic she was. Once he had said something to the effect that he would show her some day, make her see her own beauty. If this really was his doing, he most certainly had succeeded. She smiled.

    Well, she was going to surprise him with this sneaky gift of his. Walking back to the living room, she decided to call him up and invite him over for later tonight. A wide grin crept across her face as she imagined the look on his face when she opened the door like this. He'd have to pick up his jaw right from the floor, even though he was probably prepared for what he would get to see.

    After she hung up the phone, she decided to kill a little time watching TV and lounging on the couch. But it could not distract her from her newly enhanced sensuality; she kept running her gloved hands over her coated body, touching her face with them, shivering at the smoothness of the surface with every touch.

    * * *

    Time passed, and Bobby grew more and more impatient. She wanted to see the effect that she would have on Charly `dressed' like she was. Once again her fingers wandered towards her pussy, gently massaging it through the material that covered it so tightly. Once again, she stopped. Something felt odd. She got up from the couch, and while she did, she realized what it was that felt different: she had to use much greater force to move her muscles now, it was as if the material had lost some of its flexibility. It still clung to her with every move, no change there, but moving in it had become a lot harder.

    After taking a few steps, beads of sweat started to appear on her forehead. Walking really took a lot of effort now. She paused, wondering what was happening now. Maybe this was what happened before the material got brittle and crumbled off? She hoped not -- Charly was due to arrive any minute now.

    She decided to go back to her bedroom to take another look at herself in the mirror and to check if she could make out any changes in her second skin. When she arrived she was slightly out of breath, but she still looked the same -- tightly covered, not one crack visible in the coating. Once again, she smiled and, just for effect, moved her feet a little apart and put her hands on her hips.

    "Oh my," she heard herself say as she realized that she could barely manage to do that. Fear crept back into her, but again she was so taken in by the *** radiating from her reflection that she pushed it aside. "You look so hot!", she said to her image in the mirror. And again she felt herself getting excited.

    The doorbell rang. It had to be Charly. She wanted to go let him in, her mind already preparing itself for the look of surprise on his face when he saw her like this. But it immediately was jolted back to reality when she noticed that none of her muscles were following her mind's commands. She could feel them trying to flex underneath the coating, but to no avail. Whatever it was that covered her, it had turned completely rigid by now -- there was no escape from the position she had chosen for herself just a little earlier.

    Again the bell rang. This time, she panicked. With all the effort she could muster up, she tried to break free from her hard shell's tight embrace -- with no visible effect. All she could do was turn her head, but the rest of her body remained immobile, standing before the mirror in this pose that slightly hinted superiority -- alas, she felt everything but superior now. She was completely helpless; there was no way she could break free from her sudden imprisonment.

    But above all, her excitement seemed to rise ... in a way she felt violated by having her freedom of movement taken away brutally like that. But here she was, a mannequin against her will. And yet, curiously enough, she got very aroused by the helplessness she was experiencing.

    While all these distracting things went through her head, she heard the key turn in the lock of the apartment door. So it was Charly after all, she thought. She called out to him.

    "I'm in the bedroom, honey."

    She heard him chuckle and was relieved to hear his voice.

    "Getting right to the point, huh?" he said.

    "Well, I'm, uh, kinda stuck here." she replied.

    At that point he entered the bedroom, with a wide grin on his face. She blushed, her face getting almost as red as the layer covering the rest of her body. Suddenly she was ashamed for him to see her like this, that she had so obviously fallen right into his trap.

    Zitat von surferpaar

    es sind genau 3 Tage Anreise..... für Ihn
    und 3 Stunden.... für mich :D

    Na dann wünsch' ich euch nochmals καλές διακοπές, und grüßt η Ελλάδα schön von mir. Vielleicht klappt's ja bei uns nächstes Jahr im Frühjahr mal wieder *schnüff*


    Zitat von gina-ginelli-de

    Das is alles nix, wenn Du nicht das Weicheier-Plüsch von den Handschellen fummelst :D

    Hmmm, im Lieferumfang meiner Peerless Hinged Handcuffs war sowas gar nicht dabei. Ob ich da vielleicht mal reklamieren sollte? ;)

    Zitat von Heely79

    tja mein erstes Bild und schon scheise....

    Wohl kaum. Der wirklich größte Kritikpunkt wurde ja von Harald schon angebracht: Die Fußbodenleiste. Ansonsten ein nettes Arrangement, wobei ich die Schuhe noch anders gestellt hätte, damit sie nicht aussehen wie einfach aus dem Regal genommen. Aber das ist Geschmackssache.

    Gute Bilder von Schuhen ohne Inhalt zu machen ist meiner Meinung nach ungleich schwerer als mit, insofern hast Du Dich gleich an etwas Schwierigem versucht, und dafür ist das Ergebnis doch ordentlich geworden.


    Zitat von Fatal

    Na, wir werden dir deine Interessen noch aus der Nase ziehen. ;)

    Nach 50 Postings sollte inzwischen das Eine oder Andere durchgesickert sein, oder? :devil:

    Chris (der sich nochmals für die freundliche Aufnahme bedankt).

    Zitat von Herr.Sommer

    als ich neulich [...]

    ... ins Board schaute sah ich ein fantastisches Bild nach dem anderen von euch. Inzwischen fängt meine Gesichtsfarbe langsam an, sich dem Grundton dieses letzten Werkes hier anzupassen ...

    (Ist neidgrün eigentlich ein RAL-Farbton?)


    Zitat von Fatal

    Sehr appetitanregende Einblicke! :pleasedb:

    Allerdings. Ich konnte gar nicht anders als der Aufforderung auf dem Plakat unmittelbar Folge zu leisten ... :hammer:

    Chris (der aufpassen muß nicht mit dem hyperventilieren anzufangen).

    Zitat von Stöckel

    Beruflich hat es mich in to the wild south verschlagen (kennt hier jemand die Geburtstsätte von Harald Schmidt, und dann noch 10 min weiter südlich?).

    *betont unauffällig in die Luft guck und pfeif'* :o

    Zitat von Stöckel

    [...] sondern auch mal ein Herr Ironie sich zu Worte meldet [...]

    Hah! Ich wußte doch das ich irgendwo meinen Namen gehört habe! :blue:

    Herzlich willkommen in diesem netten bunten Grüppchen! Das Beste: hier muß man nicht mal Kehrwoche machen! :D


    Zitat von Inge_und_Harald

    Tolles Notebook, kann ich das mal in groß sehen [...]

    Hmmm, ich mach' jetzt über 25 Jahre mit Computern herum, aber auf so einen Abweg wäre ich bei diesem Anblick bestimmt nicht gekommen :D


    Zitat von Crinoidea

    sehr hübsche Heels an tollen Beinen...klasse :)

    Da kann ich Crino nur beipflichten. Drei tolle Pärchen sind das auf den Bildern :happy:

    Obligatorisches Gemecker folgt: *duck*

    1) Schade das die Hochferse der Nylons 'bauartbedingt' von den Schuhen verschluckt wird.

    2) Wie jetzt ... nur zwei Bilder in so einer hübschen Serie :confused: :D

    Chris (der sich vielleicht manchmal doch besser auf seine Hände setzen sollte).

    Zitat von Fatal

    [...] Ich hatte schon befürchtet, dass ihr vergessen hattet, das Etikett zu entfernen.

    Deswegen hab' ich Dich in dem anderen Thread jetzt auch auf's heftigste abgewatscht ;)

    Wir sind zwar gierig, aber normalerweise nicht so gierig, für's Preisschilder wegmachen langt die Zeit üblicherweise immer bei uns :D


    Zitat von Fatal

    Eine schöne Serie habt ihr gemacht und neben den Stiefeln ist auch die Kombination genau mein Geschmack.

    Danke. Es freut uns, daß wir Deinen Geschmack (und wohl auch den anderer Leute) getroffen haben :pleasedb:

    Zitat von Fatal

    Allerdings hätte ich da eine Kleinigkeit zu mäkeln. Sind an den Schuhen noch die Etiketten dran? :confused:


    Welch ehrenrührige Bemerkung ;):D

    Hier ein Ausschnitt aus einem verworfenen Bild zum Beweis:


    Zitat von gina-ginelli-de

    Und damits hier weitergeht, noch ein Bildchen aus der Reihe :)

    VOn der Beleuchtung her nicht so gelungen, aber mir gefällts trotzdem :)

    Mir auch :pleasedb:

    Allerdings war die Bauchreaktion hier im ersten Moment: Süüüüüüüüüüüß! -- und die hat sich jetzt irgendwie festgesetzt. Das Mädchenhafte sticht mir irgendwie mehr ins Auge als die Pin-Up-Inszenierung.

    Vielleicht hast Du ja tatsächlicht Rücksicht auf meine alternde Pumpe genommen? ;) :D


    Zitat von harriet

    Sooo viele Klamotten hab ich garnicht [...]

    Ja ja, sowas ähnliches behauptet mein Engelchen auch immer -- und Ihr Kleiderschrank platzt aus allen Nähten. Was schließen wir daraus?

    Richtig: der Kleiderschrank ist eindeutig zu klein! :D


    *auf den Händen sitz*

    Hilft nix, ich kann's mir nicht verkneifen: ein wenig sieht's aus als hättest Du die Luft zu lange angehalten ;)

    Spaß beiseite: wieder mal eines Deiner unvergleichlichen Kult-Balkonbilder, diesmal zu allem Überfluß auch noch in interessanter Bearbeitung. Find' ich gut. :happy:

    (Hmm, beim näheren Betrachten wäre es interessant, das mal in Schwarzweiß zu sehen, mit nur den tiefblauen Teilen farbig belassen. Muß ich mir nachher mal ansehen.)
